Welcome to The Seventh Wave, a BIPOC- and queer-led literary arts community.
This is our Community Portal, where we share all things Seventh Wave with you, our creative fam. We're so glad you're here. Everything we do—from our digital magazine to in-person residencies, virtual to in-person gatherings—is with community and conversation in mind, as we believe that honest dialogue has the potential to shift cultural paradigms.
Once or twice a month (we only send newsletters when we have things to communicate), we send announcements, opportunities, and inspirations, from newly-published pieces in our digital issues to applications for our in-person and digital residencies. For those of you who are new to us, get to know what we do and how we do it over on our site here. Whether you're an artist or activist, reader or writer, educator or life-long learning, there's a home here for you. We are a community of people who care deeply about the world around us. We hope that our magazine, digital and in-person residencies, or community-based events can provide you with the kind of rest that keeps you creating. And if you're looking to get to know our voices, check out our latest or past issues here.
We hope our monthly waves will function as conversation starters for you and your creative fam. Please enjoy, but also be in touch. We would love to connect by email—info@seventhwavemag.com—or in real life, should you have any questions or curiosities.